You will recall in the dim & distant past of June 2014 Steve Walls, Stu Hyde, Robbie Fitsimmons, John Barnes & Ken McVey supported by Chris Walls, Geoff Cuthill & John Cherry set out & completed their Charity Bike Trek along the Leeds Liverpool Canal in support of the Linda McCarney Cancer Care Centre & The Macmillan Nurses at The Royal Liverpool Hospital.
W.Bro. Howard Youdan although not taking part in the event acted in the important role of Treasurer  ensuring that the funds raised were deposited in the Grand Charity Relief Chest in order to maximize their return.
Stu Hyde is the Worshipful Master of Corinthian Mark Lodge 1052 & Chris & Steve Walls are also Brethren of the Lodge. The event was generously supported by the Mark Province who made a donation to the overall total raised.
Wednesday 12 December saw the culmination of all their efforts when at Temple Lodge 1094 (craft) -  of which many of the aforementioned Brethren being members - held their Christmas Social evening & were delighted to present a cheque to Loren Slade of the 'R' Charity (Linda McCartney Cancer Care Centre) for £3160.00p.
Unfortunately due to illness a representative of the Macmillan Nurses was unable to be present so a further cheque for the sum of £2670.00p will be presented to them in the very near future.
Loren thanked all concerned on behalf of both charities for the two wonderful donations totalling £5830.00p & congratulated all who took part in whatever capacity for their most generous efforts on behalf of those suffering from a dreadful disease.
Now you may think that's the end of it now - the fools will put their bikes away & stick to a gentle Sunday afternoon ride from now on - not a bit of it!
Since the ride, another Brother & a further two ladies of Temple Lodge have been diagnosed with cancer. All are undergoing treatment & the 'crocked cyclists' - all a year older but none the wiser - will be taking of another challenge in the summer of 2015. This time to cycle from the East coast to the West - along the canal system once again.  Watch out for details!!
It was also an evening of celebration for Cath & Howard Youdan who had invited family & friends to be with them to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. So a memorable night all round in good company & raising funds for charitable causes. Great.
The picture shows the presentation of the cheque to 'R' Charity (Linda McCartney Cancer Care Centre) for £3160.00p, by some of those who took part in the Bike Trek.
Left to Right are: Geoff Cuthill; John Cherry; John Barnes; Stu Hyde WM Corinthian Mk1052;
Loren Slade; Chris Walls WM Temple Lodge 1094 & Robbie Fitzsimmons.

Article and Photographs Courtesy of Steve Walls

See the original Story here
Go to Totals Raised here